What we’re about...

At LostRiver.io, we're all about West Virginia. We have a special place in our hearts for small businesses and communities. As a small business nestled in a tight-knit community, we proudly call ourselves West Virginians.

Here's why we’re all in for West Virginia:

  1. Economic Boost: Small businesses are the sturdy roots of our economy, keeping it strong and growing, even during tough times.

  2. Local Flavor: These businesses infuse our communities with unique character, preserving our culture and heritage.

  3. Job Magic: Thriving small businesses create jobs, offering more opportunities for our neighbors.

  4. Innovation Hub: Small businesses are hotbeds for new ideas, keeping our state vibrant with fresh offerings.

  5. Community Love: Supporting local businesses builds connections and strengthens community bonds.

  6. Empowerment: We support aspiring entrepreneurs with the tools, knowledge, and encouragement to pursue their dreams.

Who we are...

LostRiver.io channels its passion for technology to uplift small communities and businesses. We bridge gaps between people and resources, fostering closer communities.

Our dedication brings innovative solutions to empower local organizations and residents. We recognize technology as a powerful equalizer, offering access to opportunities and information that can transform small communities. Whether launching digital literacy programs, connecting small businesses with online markets, assisting land trusts, or creating community engagement platforms, our tech-driven initiatives breathe new life into businesses, communities, and residents.

We are community builders, understanding technology as a tool for connection and resilience. Our passion drives us to create environments where small communities can thrive, contribute to the greater good, and retain their hometown culture.

LostRiver.io enhances the lives of local residents by providing easier access to essential services like healthcare, fire/EMS, and education, and by creating new economic opportunities through remote work and online entrepreneurship. Our innovative solutions improve overall quality of life, making transportation, communication, and daily tasks more efficient and convenient.

Get lost in the adventure, find yourself at Lost River.

Lost River Link

We’re offering a free service to all West Virginia businesses through our Lost River Link program. We’re dedicated to helping businesses get online, ensuring they thrive in the digital age. Whether you're a startup or an established business needing an online presence, we’ll bring you online absolutely free. The Lost River Link program provides small West Virginia businesses with the essential technology services needed to establish and enhance their online presence. Whether a business is just starting or looking to strengthen its digital footprint, LostRiver.io is here to ensure they succeed without any cost. Our expertise in BEAD, broadband, and digital inclusion makes us uniquely qualified to support West Virginia businesses.

Regardless of whether they are in LostRiver Link, any business in West Virginia can manage their business's presence for free in Scout, our proprietary GeoContextual Planning Tool.

Join us in strengthening our community, preserving our culture, and boosting our economy. Together, we can make West Virginia shine brighter than ever.

If you are a local West Virginia business in need of free technology services, contact us today to see how we can help.