Why West Virginia is the Perfect Escape for Those of Us Who Need a Break... From Our Own Bodies 

Tip toeing through the rainy forest.

Let’s be real: traveling with a chronic illness or physical disability is like trying to navigate a maze with constantly shifting walls. There’s always a surprise obstacle around every corner, usually involving stairs, heat, or crowds of people who somehow all think it’s a good idea to stop right in front of you. But, my fellow spoonies, I’m here to tell you that West Virginia might just be the secret escape we’ve been searching for—minus most of the headaches (literal and metaphorical). Let me tell you why. 
Scenic Spots Without the Marathon 
One of the greatest things about West Virginia is that the best views are often just a few steps away from your car. No, seriously. Imagine rolling up to a breathtaking overlook, and instead of a grueling hike, it’s just a short walk from the parking lot. Take in the beauty of the Appalachian Mountains without the added challenge of scaling them. We’ve got enough mountains to climb in our day-to-day lives, right? 
Shade, Glorious Shade 
If you’re like me and heat sensitivity turns you into a puddle of regret, you’ll appreciate that West Virginia is basically one giant forest. Trees are everywhere, offering natural shade to keep things cool. This is especially crucial for those of us whose bodies think the sun is our arch-nemesis. Whether you’re strolling through a park or relaxing by a river, you’ll find plenty of spots to enjoy nature without feeling like you’re in a slow-cooker. 
Crowds? What Crowds? 
West Virginia is charmingly underpopulated, which is a nice way of saying you’ll often have places to yourself. Forget fighting through a sea of tourists just to snap a photo or enjoy a quiet moment. Here, you can actually hear the sound of nature instead of someone’s loud phone conversation. Plus, fewer people mean fewer judgmental stares when you’re not moving at top speed or when you need to sit down for a minute (or ten). 
Accessible Trails and Attractions 
Believe it or not, West Virginia has made some pretty solid strides in accessibility. There are plenty of trails and attractions that cater to those of us who might not be able to tackle a rocky path or steep incline. So, if you’re rolling, shuffling, or constantly off balance like me, you won’t have to miss out on the state’s natural beauty.  Oh, and I forgot to mention the benches! Lake view, bench. Waterfall view, bench. Scenic overlook, bench. Long ass trail, you guessed it—bench.
The Laid-Back Vibe 
Lastly, there’s something to be said for the relaxed pace of life here. West Virginia isn’t in a rush, and neither are you. The locals are friendly, and the atmosphere is unhurried, which is exactly what we need when our bodies are doing their best impression of a broken-down machine. No one’s going to pressure you to “hurry up” or “just push through it.” You’re allowed to take your time and enjoy the moment—however long that takes. 
Final Thoughts: A Spoonie’s Paradise? 
West Virginia might not be the first place that comes to mind when you think of accessible travel, but it should be. The combination of easy access to nature, plenty of shade, minimal crowds, and a laid-back vibe makes it a surprisingly perfect destination for those of us who are used to navigating the world with a few extra challenges. So pack your bags (and all your meds), and give West Virginia a try. You might just find that it’s exactly the kind of low-key adventure your body and soul have been craving.  

With empathy, 


About Me 
I’ve been dancing with Multiple Sclerosis since 2016, and let me tell you, it’s got some pretty terrible moves. Between the fatigue, spasticity, cognitive fog, and anxiety, it’s like my body’s constantly trying to out-weird itself. But hey, I’m nothing if not resourceful! Sean and I have become pros at finding clever ways to keep me doing what I love—whether it’s soaking up the outdoors, watching my fur babies live their best lives, or cracking up at whatever life throws our way. Sure, MS is a pain, but I’m determined to squeeze every bit of joy out of this journey, one laugh at a time. Remember, I’m here helping plan trips with you in mind, and sharing my journey to inspire you to embrace the hours of the day that you feel a little wild and reminding you that the wonderful is sometimes what you need.


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