Overtourism, the Bucket List, and Why Your Dream Trip Might Be Ruining the World.
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Overtourism, the Bucket List, and Why Your Dream Trip Might Be Ruining the World.

Let’s get real: if you’re blindly following a bucket list, you’ve surrendered your originality to the clickbait gods. Those top ten lists? They’re churned out by lazy hacks who couldn’t care less about the places they’re ruining. For them, it’s easy money—crank out some tired listicle, slap on a few stock photos, and rake in the clicks. Meanwhile, you and a million others swarm the same spots, turning sacred sites into theme parks and natural wonders into tourist traps. These list-makers aren’t just lazy—they’re actively destroying the world, one overcrowded destination at a time. So, if you’re still following their lead, congratulations: you’re not a traveler, you’re a cog in the machine, helping to trample the very places you claim to love.

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